it is. Traditionally, I post the best
5 students (ordered from the student ranked #1 to the student ranked #5
from top down). And then I follow that with the complete unofficial
final results (the marks are for the whole course).
The solutions to the midterm exam questions can be found here.
The discussion page is here.
The webMathematica page is in construction (and it will always be). Here is a link to the main webMathemaica page with links to various scripts I have made for various courses. I have set up a page with scripts related to this course. To get there start from the main webMathemaica page and follow the (obvious) links.
Here is the course otline and the grading scheme.
Here is the list of suggested problems from the textbook. Whether you do less or more is up to you to decide.
Quiz #1 (week of Sept
Solutions for B01 (in pdf) Solutions for B02, B03, B04 (in pdf) |
Quiz #2 (week of Oct 6.)
Quiz #3 (week of Nov 3.)
Quiz #4 (week of Nov 17.)
Old Material (from the 2000 session): parts of it may not apply for the currnet course.
136.151 (2000)
(updated: 8.Sept.2000) |
(MODIFIED:20.Sept.2000) |