Department of Mathematics
136.151 Applied Calculus I, Sept. - Dec. 2000
Information for Students
(L01) [Slot 1, MWF 8:30] S. Kalajdzievski [357 Machray Hall, 474-6929]
(L02) [Slot 10, T, Th 1:00] K. Kopotun [422 Machray Hall, 474-9789]
Required: Calculus for Engineers, D.W. Trim
Optional: Student Solutions Manual, D.W. Trim
Thursday tutorials commence September 14 for Section L02. Friday tutorials commence September 15 for Section L03. Tuesday tutorials commence September 19 for Section L01. Attendance at tutorials is highly recommended.
Preparation for the course
The material in Chapter 1 is primarily review. 1.2, 1.5, 1.6 are left for self-study. A self-administered diagnostic test will be distributed during the first week of class. It may point out to you areas where you need more intensive review.
Calculators and notes
Calculators are allowed in the quizzes, tests, and final examination. One 21.5 cm x 28.0 cm information page, two sided, handwritten (not mechanically reproduced), is allowed at all quizzes, tests and exams. No other notes or textbooks are allowed.
Assessment in course
(a) Tutorial quizzes (10%)
Five quizzes of 20 minutes duration are scheduled for the tutorial periods during the weeks of September 25, October 9, October 23, November 13 and November 27. -> Only the 4 best will be counted for the total of the 10%.
(b) Term test (30%)
One term test will be held in a location to be announced later, Monday, October 30, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
(c) Final examination (60%)
A formal two hour final exam will be scheduled by the Student Records Office during the final exam period in December.
(d) Notes
There will not be any deferred or supplemental quizzes or tests. If you miss a quiz or test, a mark of zero will be assigned unless valid reasons and acceptable supporting evidence are provided. The University regulations (section 3.9, p. 23 of the Undergraduate Calendar) apply to absence from the final exam.
Voluntary withdrawal
The voluntary withdrawal deadline is Wednesday, November 15. You will have feedback from the term test and lab quizzes before that date.
Academic Honesty
Students are advised to familiarize themselves with the General Academic Regulations of the University of Manitoba contained in the Undergraduate calendar, p. 23 - 26. In particular, students should read carefully and be sure they understand section 3.5 Plagiarism and Cheating and 3.11 Examinations: Personation. All forms of academic dishonesty are treated very seriously by the Department of Mathematics, the Faculty of Science, and the Faculty of Engineering. Submitting another persons work as your own, copying from another person at an exam, or bringing unauthorized information into a test or examination stored in a calculator memory or otherwise is a serious offense. For further information, refer to the University Student Discipline By-Law, available from the Senate Secretariat Office.
Course Outline
Text sections Topics
1.1, 1.3 Review of plane analytic geometry, straight lines, elementary graphing, symmetry, functions and their graphs.
[1.2, 1.5, 1.6] [Self-review of conic sections, trigonometry, exponential and logarithm functions]
2.1 - 2.4 Limits and continuity.
3.1 - 3.12 The derivative, rules of differentiation, higher-order derivatives; velocity, speed and acceleration; chain rule, extended power rule, implicit differentiation; derivatives of trigonometric, exponential and logarithm functions, logarithmic differentiation; mean value theorem.
4.1 - 4.8, 4.11 Applications of derivatives. Newtons method, increasing and decreasing functions, relative extrema, concavity and inflection, curve sketching; absolute extrema, applied extrema problems; velocity and acceleration, related rates; differentials and the tangent line approximation.
5.1 - 5.3 The indefinite integral or antiderivative, velocity and acceleration, change of variable.
6.1 - 6.4, 6.7 The definite integral; sigma notation, definition and evaluation of definite integrals as Riemann sums, fundamental theorem of calculus; change of variable in indefinite integrals.
Question Number Larson T.V. Lecture
1 Sec. 1, 2
2 Sec. 3, 4 1. Algebraic Manipulation
3 Sec. 4, 11 2. More Algebraic Manipulation
4 Sec. 12
5 Sec. 13
6 Sec. 16
7 Sec. 17
8 Sec. 18 3. Equations
9 Sec. 3, 16, 17
10 Sec. 17
11 Sec. 15
12 Sec. 15
13 Sec. 15 4. Functions and Graphs
14 Sec. 7
15 Sec. 7
16 Sec. 10
17 Sec. 11, 14
18 Sec. 27 5. Exponents and Logarithms
19 Sec. 28
20 Sec. 10, 28
21 Sec. 30
22 Sec. 31
23 Sec. 31 6. Trigonometry
24 Sec. 33
25 Sec. 33, 34
During the two weeks September 18 - 22 and September 25 - 29 six (6) TV lectures in remedial mathematics will be shown in Room 115 Armes (also known as 113 Armes) Bldg. These lectures will cover the fundamentals of high-school mathematics. Although designed for Calculus I students these lectures should be useful to any students wishing a brief review of Algebra and Trigonometry.
ARE YOU READY FOR CALCULUS I is a computer program that has been installed on the IBM microcomputers in Dafoe Library, Engineering, Human Ecology, St. Johns College and St. Pauls College. This menu driven program will assess your readiness for Calculus I. To access this program, turn the computer and monitor on. At the computer prompt "Enter Login name" type the login name which is located on the upper right hand side of the keyboard and press the "enter" key. Follow the screen instructions to get to the "Main Menu". Use the arrow keys to select "Other Applications Menu" then press the "enter" key. Next use the arrow keys to select "Are You Ready for Calculus I" then press the "enter" key. Follow the screen instructions at this point. Selecting "Review" will provide you with review material and quizzes.
SELF STUDY AND REVIEW: The section numbers above refer to the book Algebra and Trigonometry Refresher for Calculus Students by Loren C. Larson (available in the Dafoe Library on reserve: call number QA 154.2 L37 1979).