136.130 (Fall 2002) Sections L01 and L02 |
Update: The marks will be posted (here) tomorrow (Tuesday).
Here is something to think about while we wait. As some of you recall, there was a study session sometime by the end of November. The median total result for the people from L02 who were present at that session (and signed their names) is 78.65 out of 100; the median for the other people in L02 is 54.46. That is a substantial difference !
Here is the (possibly incomplete, and certainly unofficial) list of people with 97.7% or more:
1. 6783111 -> 99.58 (L02)
2. 6791241 -> 100.24 (L02)
3. 6782861 -> 98.15 (L02)
4. 6789073 -> 101.21 (L02)
5. 6757398 -> 97.73 (L01)
6. 6783769 -> 99.14 (L01)
7. 6777387 -> 98.15 (L01)
Of course, the final mark is what counts, and there will be other people who will get A+.
Final Exam and Final Marks Update (January 5, Sunday): The final percentages for L01 and L02 are in (have been for some time now). Final marks will be posted as soon as possible.
1. Midterm Results for Section L01 (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays).
2. Midterm Results for Section L02 (Tuesdays and Thursdays).
3. Here are the (Brief) Solutions to the Midterm Exam,; if the formulas are too small, here it is again, this time in pdf format (Acrobat Readere needed).
4. I have created and posted the webMathematica script #4: it depicts and computes cross products of vectors. Check it out in Linear Algebra webMathematica.
Linear Algebra
webMathematica is up again - I have moved it to another server.
In the Course Outline (page 1 and page 2) you may find information about the content of this course and various other related items.
Suggested Homework (L01 or L02) is a set of questions from the textbook. This is the same for both groups
Quizzes (as described in the Course Outline) will be held during tutorial (lab) classes. The tutorials for L01 are Thursdays, while L02 has them Fridays. The precise dates for the quizzes are posted in the table below - please make sure you use the time table for the group you are in. Note the last column in the following table: I will post solutions to sample quizzes.
Section L01
Sections covered
Sample Solutions
Quiz #1
September 26 |
1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4
and Solutions for section B01
Quiz #2
October 10 |
1.5, 1.6, (1.7), 2.1 and first half of 2.2
Problems and Solutions for section B02 |
Quiz #3
October 24 |
2.2, 2.3 and 2.4
Problems and Solutions
for section B03
Quiz #4
November 14 |
Problems and Solutions for section B04 |
Quiz #5
November 28 |
4.1, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3
Section L02
Sections covered
Sample Solutions
Quiz #1
September 27 |
1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4
and Solutions for section B05
Quiz #2
October 11 |
1.5, 1.6, (1.7), 2.1 and first half of 2.2
Problems and Solutions for section B06 |
Quiz #3
October 25 |
2.2, 2.3 and 2.4
and Solutions for section B07
Quiz #4
November 15 |
Problems and Solutions for section B08 |
Quiz #5
November 29 |
4.1, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3
Here is a link to the Discussion Page, a place to ask questions, search for answers and talk about the course.
Here is another page I maintain that may be helpful in your studies: the Linear Algebra webMathematica page. The page contains several scripts (with more to be added along the way) for interactive computations and explorations of topics that we cover in our course. WebMathematica is based on the powerful program Mathematica.
In addition to the Discussion Page and the webMathematica page, I have also made a few pictures, animation and interactive graphics illustrating or explaining parts of the course material. For the time being there is something there about vectors and operations of vectors.
Discussion Page |
Regarding Midterm Exam: Where you will write your midterm exam depends on your last name: here is a file with the details.
Eventually I will post here solutions to the Midterm Exam, as well as the Midterm Exam Results. For the time being you may wish to take a look at the old Midterm Exams. Here are two of them: Midterm Exam 2002 (for practice), and Midterm Exam and again in pdf 1999 (for practice). However, please note that the textbook has changed this year, affecting the order the material is covered and, to a lesser extent, the content of the course.
The old final exams might also be useful. Here are a couple of them 1999 (pdf) and 2000(pdf). More old exams can be found here as well as on the web pages for the 130 courses that I have taught earlier (accessible through the main homepage.)
Other useful material can be found on the web page for section L03.
There is also a web page for Lab sections B01, B02 and B03 (Robert Young) with additional material.
After the final exam (sometime in December) you can see here the Final Marks. I also post the student numbers of the (five or so) Top Students in this course.
© Sasho Kalajdzievski