136.130  (L01 and L02)

Course Related Information


Instructor: Sasho Kalajdzievski

Office: 357 Machray Hall

Telephone: 474 6929

e-mail: sasho@cc.umanitoba.ca




Office Hours: Mondays: 10:20-11:20, Tuesdays: 10-11, and other days by appointment.




Home web page (for all courses I teach and for other little things):


It contains a link to the web page for this course (both sections), with the following address (in case you want to bypass the homepage):


This page (referred below as 130.page) contains material related to the course and to our sections; it will be upgraded regularly. In particular, the 130.page has a link to the course outline and the information you are just reading. It also contains various pictures, movies and interactive graphics supplementing the material we cover (more to be added along the way), as well as old midterm and final exams. Solutions of our midterm exam and sample quizzes will be posted there. 


The 130.page has a link to Discussion Page, (http://server.maths.umanitoba.ca/discus/) a scripted page where you may find a folder (136.130) with a discussion board for our course. The discussion board already contains discussions related to the 136.130 course I have taught during the 2001/2002 academic year. Even though the textbook has changed, you should find some (most) of the contributions useful – if nothing, there is a significant number of solved exercises there. The discussion board allows you to ask (type) new questions, read answers to old questions, or make comments related to the course material. It is, of course, open non-stop for all students; you have an option of posting anonymous contributions. All course-related questions will be either answered or hints will be provided by students in our groups, by teaching assistants or (most often) by myself. One rule applies: you need to type the statement of a question in order to get an answer – “solve question xx on page yy” will not be acceptable. Your participation with questions, comments, and especially with answers, is encouraged.


 Another potentially useful page that I have installed recently is the webMathematica page (link provided in the 130.page). This is an interactive page based on a combination of Html, Java and Mathematica allowing you to perform easily computations and explorations related to our course. For example, it contains a script for row reducing matrices and another for computing matrix inverses. Take a look.