136.270 Multivariable Calculus

Fall 2003


The discussion page is here.

Here is a link to the main webMathemaica page with links to various scripts I have made for various courses. [Sept 12]: I have just installed a pair of scripts: one gives the graph of f(x,y) as an interactve graphics (that can be moved in real time), the other, more general, plots f(x,y,z)=0 and again produces an interactive graphics. To get there follow the links starting at the main webMathemaica page. One more script added tonight (September 18): this one allows you to plot curves in 3D.

Here is the course outline and other info (the first handout).


Here is the last old final exam: spring 2003 (in pdf)



Here are, as promised, the solutions to the midterm exam questions.

Old midterm exams (may be not of the same format as ours - different text, possibly different curriculum): 2001 and 2002




Assignment #1 in pdf (due Oct.1 in class)

Solutions (in pdf)

Assignment #2 in pdf (due Oct.17 in class)

Solutions (in pdf)

Assignment #3 in pdf (due Nov.12 in class)

Note: in question 4 you may use software to solve equations that you set up. Not more than that.

Solutions (in pdf)

Assignment #4 in pdf (due Nov.26 in class)

Solutions (in pdf)


Suggested questions

Fifth Edition Stewart
Chapters 14 and 15 (in pdf)
Chapters 16 (in pdf) Something may be wrong with the set of problems for the last two section; I will check that out.
Chapters 17 (in pdf)





Old exams are stored here !