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Department of Mathematics Server
University of Manitoba

© 1999–2024 Thomas G. Kucera
Last updated: 2024-05-08
T. G. Kucera in Antarctica

Brown Station,
Paradise Bay, Antarctica
Dr. Thomas G. Kucera
B.Sc.(Hons) Manitoba 1974; M.Sc. Manitoba 1975; Ph.D. McGill 1984
email: Thomas (dot) Kucera (at) Umanitoba (dot) CA
Students: please read the email guidelines.
Office: 304 St Paul's College No phone
Office Hours: Office Hours
Mathematics Department Office: phone (204)-474-8703
email: mathematics_dept@umanitoba.ca
Department web page
Research Profile

I am not currently considering applications
for graduate students or post-doctoral positions.

of the Rings and Modules Seminar
Winter Term 2025 (???)
MATH 3410 Introduction to Mathematical Logic
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