Math In Art

Math 1020, Spring 2008

A tree (fractal)


Midterm exam: brief solutions

Midterm exam results (math), as well as the results for assignment #1 (art) are HERE (unofficial, incomplete). Midterm exams will be returned next week; the brief solutions will also be posted at that time.

The course outline and the schedule for the course (handout 1) and more info (handout 2)

Here is a link to the webMathematica page for this course. The meaning of the scripts will be explained as we go.

And, one more link, leading to the Discussion Board.

And finally, the Animation Gallery that I made five years ago may even show some usefulness.



The titles in the list below will be modified as we go.

Lecture 1 : Overview

Lecture 2 : Some basic ruler-and-compass constructions.

Lecture 3 : The Golden Section

Lecture 4 : The Golden Section and Fibonacci numbers (the sunflowers story)

Lecture 5 : Symmetries

Lecture 6 : Symmetries, Tilings Similarities

Lecture 7 : Fractals

Lecture 8 : Midterm Review

Lecture 9: Pespective

Lecture 10: Conic sections Regular Polyhedra ;

Lecture 11: Hyperbolic Geometry 1

Lecture 12: Hyperbolic Geometry 2

Lecture 13: Topology


Darja's page




© Sasho Kalajdzievski
























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