Lecture 13

Hyperbolic Geometry 2


1. Escher:

(a) Circle Limit 1, Escher, 1958

(b) Circle Limit 3,Escher, 1959, and the associated (4, 3, 4, 3) hyperbolic tiling. Here we see both of them side by side.

(c) Circle Limit 4 Also known as Angels and Devils (Escher, 1960)

2. A script for drawing nice hyperbolic tilings (accessible through the webMath page for this course.)

3.There is a 3D analogue of the hyperbolic plane: the hyperbolic space. Here is a sculpture inspired by the hyperbolic space.

3.Inverted Earth; 19th century (Cyrus Reed Teed).



e-mail: sasho@cc.umanitoba.ca

© Sasho Kalajdzievski