Math 1500 Calculus 1 , Sections A06

Winter 2016



Midterm exam: statements

Midterm exam: statements and solutions. (Note: i did not write the solutions; the style is somehwat different compared to how we have covered the material in class.)

Thehandouts: the general syllabus and the info about section A06.

The discussion page is here.

The main webMathemaica page contains links to various interactive (and easy to use) scripts that I have made for various courses, including this one.


Leibniz, Newton


calculus and asteroids


Quizzes (with tentative dates)

Quiz #1 Week of January 18

Quiz #2 Week of February 1

Quiz #3 Week of February 22

Quiz #4 Week of March 7
Quiz #5 Week of March 21






















































































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