Department of Mathematics
Rings and Modules Seminar
John T. Baldwin
Dept of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science,
University of Illinois, Chicago
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
We note that a strongly minimal Steiner \(k\)-Steiner system \((M,R)\) from [1] can be `coordinatized' in the sense of [2] by a quasigroup if \(k\) is a prime-power. But for the basic construction this coordinatization is never definable in \((M,R)\). Nevertheless, by refining the construction, if \(k\) is a prime power there is a \((2,k)\)-variety of quasigroups which is strongly minimal and definably coordinatizes a Steiner \(k\)-system. We present a number of further questions about the connections with varieties of quasigroups.