Sometime during the last summer, Dr. Tommy Kucera brought to my attention a
rather remarkable set of axioms for fields discovered by G. Pickert. Instead of
the usual two binary operations of addition and multiplication connected by the
distributive laws, PIckert's axioms demand the existence of three group laws
with apparently no connecting laws like distributivity. Pickert's third group
operation is the now familiar "circle operation" of rings defined by
x•y = x+y-xy.
This happens to be a special case of the ternary law of composition
d(x,y,z) = xz+y-xy.
In fact, d(x,y,1) = x•y.
It is known (see [2]) that
fields can be defined with this single ternary operation (analogous to the
so-called ternary Boolean algebras). These axiom systems arose in connection
with characterizing the class of all groups which are multiplicative groups of
fields. In this presentation, I will mention three such axiom systems and will
go through the proof of at least one of them.
P.M. Cohn, Skew Fields, Cambridge University Press, 2003.
R.M. Dicker, A set of independent axioms for a field and a condition for a
group to be the multiplicative group of a field. Proc. London Math.
Soc. (3) 18, 1968, 114–124.
W. Leissner, Eine Charakterisierung der multiplikativen Gruppe
eines Körpers, Jber.Deutsch. Math.-Verein. 73, 92–100.
G. Pickert, Eine Kennzeichnung desarguesscher, Ebenen. Math.
Z. 71, 1959, 99–