Pictures used in the January 9 Lecture. 1. Mona Lisa (Leonardo da Vinci; from the cover of the book The Golden Section by Hans Walser) 2. A flower (Mammilaria huitzilo) Question: How is this flower related to the Golden Mean ? Answer:Through Fibonacci numbers. 3. Heaven and Hell (M.C.Escher, 1960) 4. Perspective drawing for the Adoration of the Magi (Da Vinci, around 1500) |
A couple of constructions from
the January 14 Lecture
(just for the fun of it) 1. Bisecting a line segment and drawing a perpendicular through the middle point You can control the animation by clicking over it (control-click on Mac; I don't "speak" other types). 2. Constructing a line parallel to a given line and through a given point. The first and the second circle are of equal radii, as are the third and the fourth circle. |