136.330 Intro to Algebra

Test 2

(October 30, 2002)

Justify all your answers unless otherwise stated.




1. Suppose  and K are subgroups of a group G. Show that the intersection  is also a subgroup of G.



0. Since both H and K contain the identity of G, the intersection  is not empty.

1. Suppose . Then  and . Since H is a subgroup of G, it follows that . By symmetry, . So, .

2. Suppose . So  and . Since both H and K are subgroups, we have  and . So .


By a theorem, these two properties suffice to claim that  is also a subgroup of G.


2. Find the Cayley table of the group of symmetries of


            (a) S


            (b) H


(a) The only symmetries of S are id (the identity) and rot (rotation around the middle point for 180 degrees). The Cayley table is given below.



(b) The symmetries of H are id, rot (rotation around the mid-point for 180 degrees), ref1 (reflection along the middle horizontal line) and ref2 (reflection along the middle vertical line). Here is the Cayley table.



3.         (a) Find all positive integers n such that .


(b) Use congruence to find the remainder if  is divided by 4. (Hint:)


Solution.  (a)  means , i.e. . So, .


(b) Since  and since congruence are compatible with multiplication, we have , that is . But  and because congruences are transitive, we have . So, (by a theorem)  and 3 have the same reminder after dividing by 4. But the reminder after dividing 3 by 4 is obviously 3; so the same is true for .


4. Recall that  is the structure consisting of the conjugacy (?) (congruence) classes  modulo n and the operation  defined by . Prove that is a group.


(Note: we have proven in class that  is associative and that [1] is the identity; you may use that result.)


Solution. The note tells us that it suffices to show that every element in  has an inverse. We check:  (the last equality is true since ); hence [3] is the inverse of [2] (and vice versa). Further  and so [4] is the inverse of itself. And, of course, [1] is also the inverse of itself.


5.         (a) Use the Euclidean Algorithm to find (258, 102).


(b) Prove that if (a,c)=1 and if (b,c)=1 then (ab,c)=1.

Hint. Recall the following theorem: (x,y)=1 iff  such that .



(a)       258=(2)102+54


            54  =(1)48+6

            46  =(8)6+0


So, by the Euclidean Algorithm, (258, 102)=6.


(b)      Since  there are numbers  and  such that .

            Since  there are numbers  and  such that .

Multiply these two equalities to get . Expand a bit, get . Factor a bit: , and finally, observe that the last equality together with the theorem given in the hint implies that (ab,c)=1.