
Course Related Information


Instructor: Sasho Kalajdzievski

Office: 357 Machray Hall

Office Hours: Mondays: 10:20-11:20, Tuesdays: 10-11, and other days by appointment.

Telephone: 474 6929

e-mail: sasho@cc.umanitoba.ca


There is a webpage for this course: http://server.maths.umanitoba.ca/homepages/sasho/courses/330/330.html.

You can also reach it from my homepage: http://server.maths.umanitoba.ca/homepages/sasho/.

The web page will be used to post various course related material. In particular, I will post solutions to the quizzes and tests there.


I have also made a discussion forum for this course, in case you want to ask open questions related to the course or course content, or in case you want to communicate through the web.   Address:  http://server.maths.umanitoba.ca/discus/ (there is a link in the course web page).


Finally, I have started the construction of a webMathematica computation site, containing scripted, interactive pages where you can do some online computations and explorations related to our course. A link to this page can be found in the course page.




Textbook: Modern Algebra, An Introduction, by John R. Durbin, Fourth Edition, Wiley 2000



1. Mappings (Chapter 1)

2. Introduction to Groups (Chapter 2)

3. Equivalence and Congruence (Chapter 3)

4. Groups (Chapter 4)

5. Group Homomorphisms (Chapter 5)

6. Introduction to Rings (Chapter 6).

7. Other topics could be covered (time permitting).


Tests and Exam:

There will be three (3) tests, each worth 15% for a total of 45%.

Tentative dates:      Test 1 - October 2

                              Test 2 – October 30

                              Test 3 – November 27

The final exam (in December) will be comprehensive and will be worth 55% of the mark.


In addition, I will give several unannounced, in-class, small, 5-minutes or so quizzes and other small questions and problems for a bonus of around 5%.