Department of Mathematics

136.271 Calculus IIIB

Winter 2003


Course Outline and Information


Instructor:                 Sasho Kalajdzievski

                                    357 Machray Hall

                                    Phone:  474-6929



Office hours:             Mondays: 11:20 - 12:10 a.m.

                                    Tuesdays: 10-11 a.m.

                                    Other times: by appointment



Text:                           Adams; Calculus, A Complete Course  4th ed.


Course content:         Infinite Sequences and Series  (Sec. 9.1 – 9.8, Adams)

                                    Uniform Convergence (class notes and handouts)

                                    Fourier Series (class notes, handouts and Sec.  9.9, Adams)  


Grading (details will be given later):                                     


                                    Midterm Exam(s)

                                    Final Exam



Web Pages: The courses-related web page with links to pages for some of the courses I teach or have taught:

It contains a link to the present and old web pages for this course (136.271). The old web pages in particular contain material that you may find useful (old exams, old quizzes;  also some pictures and animations).


The address for web page for this section 136.271 is

This page (referred below as will be upgraded regularly with material related to our course. Solutions to the assignments, tests and exams will be posted there.


The has a noticeable link to Discussion Page, a scripted page where you may find a folder (136.271) with a discussion board for our course. The discussion board allows you to ask (type) new questions, read answers to old questions, or make comments related to the course material. It is open non-stop for all students; you have an option of posting anonymous contributions. All course-related questions will be either answered or hints will be provided by students in our group, teaching assistants or by myself.


I will also add a link to the webMathematica page for this course. That page will contain user-friendly scripts for computations and experiments. More about it during our classes. (also see


Academic regulations and policy: You are advised to read the Academic Regulations and Policy section in the General Calendar, particularly the items on Plagiarism and Cheating, Examinations-Personation and Attendance at Class contained on pages 23 - 26.