Questions 1-10 from Section 7.1
1. R is bounded by ,
we rotate R around the x-axis.
2. R is bounded by ,
we rotate R around the y-axis.
3. R is bounded by ,
we rotate R around the x-axis.
Here is the same solid again cut through the middle to see its cross-section.
4. R is bounded by ,
we rotate R around the y-axis.
Again we cut to take a look at the hidden cross-section.
5(a). R is bounded by ,
we rotate R around the x-axis.
5(b). R is bounded by ,
we rotate R around the y-axis.
6(a). R is bounded by
we rotate R around the x-axis.
Cross-section (compare with 3 above):
6(b). R is bounded by
we rotate R around the y-axis.
Cross-section (compare with 4 above):
7(a). R is bounded by
we rotate R around the x-axis.
We cut through the middle to see its cross-section:
7(b). R is bounded by
we rotate R around the y-axis.
The cross-section:
8(a). R is bounded by ,
we rotate R around the x-axis.
The cross-section:
8(b). R is bounded by
we rotate R around the y-axis.
The cross-section:
9(a). R is bounded by ,
we rotate R around the x-axis.
The inner structure can be seen below:
Just a change of viewpoint (same cross section of the same solid):
9(b). R is bounded by ,
we rotate R around the y-axis.
Not much can be seen - so we cut in half again to see better:
10(a). R is bounded by and
we rotate R around the x-axis.
The inner structure revealed:
10(b). R is bounded by and
we rotate R around the y-axis.
Crosscut to see inside:
© S.Kalajdzievski