Midterm Exam 1
October 17, 2001
(50 minutes; justify your answers unless otherwise stated; no calculators)
(a) State the definition of a convergent sequence. (What does it mean to say that
For every there exists a number N such that if
(b) Use only the definition in (a) to prove that
Let . We want to find N such that if
. The last inequality can be changed (without affecting its meaning) as follows:
, means (since the term in the absolute value is positive)
, means
, means
. This is what we want to happen for certain numbers n (those larger than some N). Choose N to be any number larger than
. Now we check if the conclusion in the definition of limit is satisfied. Suppose
. Then (since
) we have that
. But, as we saw above, the last inequality means the same as
and so the desired conclusion holds.
3. Show that the series
The following is a solution in which we only use the Simple Comparison Test; there are alternative simple solutions.
First note that all the terms are positive, so we can use any of the tests for convergence of positive series.
Since for
, it follows that
First we check for absolute convergence, that is, checking if
So, the original series does not converge absolutely.
We check for conditional convergence that is, we check if
. By the Ratio Test, the series converges.
The series is positive. We look at the function for
. It is positive, continuous and decreasing (all are obvious). We have
So we got a finite number. By the Integral Test, the original series converges.