I used to play chess actively - meaning, that was the way I earned my pocket money while I was a student. I post below a couple of games from the previous century and ages ago.
The first one was played under the (now called) "Active Chess" rules: 30 minutes per game for each. The player of the white pieces, Cabrilo (Chabrilo) is now a Grandmaster (rating about 2500) - at the time we played the game he was (I think) an International Master. I do not remember his face any more. The site was Prishtina, today the ethnically homogeneous capital of an ethnically cleansed dominion of the Empire.
The second one was played under regular time controls (2 hours for the first 40 moves etc.). The site was my native city (Skopje); the occasion was some championship of Macedonia.
1 e4 c5
2 Nf3 Nc6
3 d4 cxd4
4 Nxd4 Nf6
5 Nc3 e5
6 Ndb5 d6
7 Bg5 a6
8 Na3 b5
9 Bxf6 gxf6
10 Nd5 f5
11 Bd3 Be6
White to move
12 Qh5 Bg7
13 O-O . f4
14 Rfd1 O-O
15 c3 Rb8
16 Nc2 . a5
17 b4 Qd7
18 h3 f5
19 a4 . . .
Black to move
19 . . . bxa4
20 bxa5 Nxa5
21 Ncb4 Nb3
22 Bc4 . . .
Black to move
22 . . . Nxa1
23 Rxa1 fxe4
24 Rxa4 Qf7
White to move
25 Qe2 Rxb4
White resigned.
1 e4 e5
2 Nf3 Nc6
3 Bc4 Nf6
4 Ng5 d5
5 exd5 Na5
6 Bb5+ c6
7 dxc6 bxc6
8 Be2 h6
9 Nf3 e4
10 Ne5 Bd6
White to move
Two Knights defense. Even though it is White who makes
the choice, Black has a clear compensation for the pawn; I have not seen this
opening being chosen by White at the top encounters lately.
The next move by White does not look very good (11. d4 is natural).
11 Nc4 Nxc4
12 Bxc4. O-O
13 h3 Nd7
14 O-O . Ne5
15 Qe2 . . .
Black to move
15 . . . Nf3+A consequence of White's bad play in the opening. Note that if 16. gxf3, then Black plays Qg5 followed by Qf4 and a speedy mate follows.
16 Kh1 Qh4
17 d3 Bxh3
18 g3 . . .
Black to move
18 . . . Bg2+
And White resigned a move before being mated.