1 / 3


π ≈ 3.14159265359
2 / 3


π rad = 180 Degrees
3 / 3
"Some mathematician, I believe, has said that true pleasure lies not in the discovery of truth, but in the search for it."

What We Do

The Math Help Centre is a free service provided by the Department of Mathematics to first-year students who need assistance in math. It is located at 107 Allen Building and offers various resources, support, and help to registered math students to help them succeed in their courses.

The centre is staffed with graduate students who are passionate about teaching and have a deep understanding of the courses. If you need help with your math course, bring your notes, and get assistance with any problems you are stuck on.

You can avail yourself of any of the Math Help Centre services, which include both in-person and online help sessions. See schedule below for more information.

Spring 2024 (8 May - 22 June)
MON to FRI   11:00 AM to 7:00 PM   (In-person at 107 Allen Building)

Summer 2024 (3 Jul - 17 Aug)
MON to FRI   11:00 AM to 7:00 PM   (In-person at 107 Allen Building)

Visit the Help Centre schedule page to find out more about the Math Help Centre schedule.

See the tab below for information about our online sessions.

Mailing address

Mathematics Help Centre
107 Allen Building, 186 Dysart Road
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N2

Contact details

Clifford Allotey
425 Machray Hall, 186 Dysart Road
Phone: 204-474-9376
Math Help Centre Online Sessions (To Be Announced)