1. Klein Bottle

(A basic non-orientable, two-dimensional, compact manifold without boundary)
1(b).Klein Bottle (2) Interactive

2(a).Projective Plane

Another basic non-orientable, two-dimensional, compact manifold without boundary)
2(b).Projective Plane (2) Interactive

3.Menger sponge Interactive

An interesting topological space (and a nice 3D fractal)

4."Space Station"

Just a nice 3D fractal
5. 2D fractal (interactive !)
Sierpinski triangle (space) (2D, set in 3D)
6. 4D Cubes (interactive !)
A construction made of 4D cubes (part of a proof)
7. Tangled Cube (interactive !)
An implicitly defined surface.
8. Revolving surfaces/solids can be found in the page for course 136.170
9. Travel in Klein

Experimenting with 3D shadows of 4D objects


© S.Kalajdzievski

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