Craig Cowan
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics
University of Manitoba
Office: 435 Machray Hall
Phone: 204-474-8707
Email :
My research is in the area of nonlinear analysis and partial differential equations. I mostly concentrate on elliptic partial
differential equations.
Opportunities For Graduate Students
Students with an interest in analysis and (or) differential equations are invited apply.
- A. Aghajani and C. Cowan, Nonradial solutions of a super critical elliptic problem with supercritical drift , submitted (2024).
- A. Aghajani and C. Cowan, Positive nonradial solutions of an elliptic equation with critical advection term, submitted (2024).
- A. Aghajani and C. Cowan, A supercritical H\'enon equation on a cylinder, submitted (2024).
- C. Cowan, M. El Smaily and P.A. Feulefack, The principal eigenvalue of a mixed local and nonlocal operator with drift, submitted (2024).
- A. Aghajani and C. Cowan, On a Brezis-Nirenberg Problem with advection, (2022) submitted.
- A. Aghajani and C. Cowan, On the regularity of extremal solutions of semilinear elliptic equations,
- C. Cowan, A remark on optimal H\"older continuity and dimension of the rupture set for a MEMS equation, submitted.
- Craig Cowan, Mohammad El Smaily and Pierre Aime Feulefack, Existence and regularity results for a Neumann problem
with mixed local and nonlocal diffusion Neumann local nonlocal, accepted Journal of Differential Equations, (2024)
- C. Cowan, Nonradial solutions of a Neumann H\'enon equation on a ball, accepted Proceedings AMS (2024).
- C. Cowan and A. Razani, q-Laplace equation involving the gradient on general bounded and exterior domains,Nonlinear Differ. Equ. Appl. 31, 6 (2024).
- C. Cowan and A. Momeni, On supercritical elliptic problems: existence, multiplicity of
positive and symmetry breaking solutions,, Mathematische Annalen, pg 1-64, (2023), pdf.
- C. Cowan, Supercritical problems via a fixed point argument on monotonic functions,
Nonlinear Differ. Equ. Appl. 29, 68 (2022), pdf.
- C. Cowan and A. Momeni, Supercritical elliptic problems on nonradial domains
via a nonsmooth variational approach, Journal of Differential Equations,
Volume 341, 25 December 2022, Pages 292-323,
- A. Aghajani, C. Cowan and S. H. Lui, A nonlinear elliptic problem involving the gradient on a
half space, accepted DCDS A, (2022),
pdf, submitted.
- C. Cowan and A. Razani, Singular solutions of a H\'enon equating involving a nonlinear gradient
, accepted CPAA (2021)
- A. Aghajani, C. Cowan and A. Momeni, The Gelfand problem on annular
domains of double revolution with monotonicity
, accepted PAMS (2022)pdf
- A. Aghajani and C. Cowan, An elliptic problem involving large advection, accepted Potential Analysis, (2021).
- A. Aghajani and C. Cowan, A supercritical variable exponent problem, accepted JMAA, (2021).
- A. Aghajani and C. Cowan, Some elliptic problems
involving the gradient on general
bounded and exterior domains,
accepted, Calc. of Variations and pde, 2021.
- A. Aghajani, C. Cowan and V.D. Radulescu, Explicit estimates on positive supersolutions of fourth-order
nonlinear elliptic equations and applications,
Journal of Differential Equations, Volume 298, 2021, Pages 323-345.
- C. Cowan,
Supercritical elliptic problems involving a Cordes like operator, pdf,
Discrete \& Continuous Dynamical Systems A, 2021, 41 (9) : 4297-4318.
- C. Cowan and A. Razani, Singular solutions of a Lane-Emden system,
Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems A,
2021, 41(2): 621-656.
- A. Aghajani and C. Cowan, A note on the nonexistence
of positive supersolutions to elliptic equations with gradient terms,
Annali di Matematica 200, 125-135 (2021),
- C. Cowan and A. Razani, Singular solutions of a $p$-Laplace equation involving the gradient,
Journal of Differential Equations, Volume 269, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 3914-3942, pdf
- S. Ai and C. Cowan, Critical elliptic equations via a dynamical system approach, Nonlinear Analysis
Volume 182, May 2019, Pages 97-112. pdf
- A. Aghajani and C. Cowan, Explicit estimates on positive supersolutions of nonlinear elliptic equations and applications,Volume 39, Number 5, 2731-2742, May 2019,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A. pdf
- A. Aghajani and C. Cowan, Singular solutions of elliptic equations on a perturbed cone, Volume 266, Issue 6, 5 March 2019, Pages 3328-3366,
J. Differential Equations,
- C. Cowan and A. Momeni, A new variational principle, convexity and supercritical Neumann problems, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 371 (2019), 5993-6023.
- A. Aghajani and C. Cowan, Regularity of the extremal solutions associated to elliptic systems, Volume 149,
Issue 4August 2019 , pp. 1037-1046, The Royal Society of Edinburgh Proceedings A.
- A. Aghajani, C. Cowan and S. H. Lui, Singular solutions of elliptic equations involving nonlinear gradient terms
on perturbations of the ball, J. Differential Equations 264 (2018) 2865-2896, pdf
- A. Aghajani, C. Cowan and S. H. Lui, Existence and regularity of nonlinear
advection problems, Nonlinear Analysis
Volume 166, January 2018, Pages 19-47, pdf.
- C. Cowan, A. Momeni and L. Salimi, Supercritical Neumann problems via a new variational
principle, Electron. J. Differential Equations, Vol. 2017 (2017), No. 213, pp. 1-19, pdf.
- S. Ai and C. Cowan, Perturbations of Lane-Emden and Hamilton-Jacobi equations: the full space case,
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, Volume 151, March 2017, Pages 227-251.pdf
- S. Ai and C. Cowan, Perturbations of Lane-Emden and Hamilton-Jacobi equations II: exterior domains, Journal of Differential Equations
Volume 260, Issue 11, 5 June 2016, Pages 8025-8050. pdf
- C. Cowan, A short remark regarding Pohozaev type results on general domains assuming finite Morse index,
Accepted The Royal Society of Edinburgh Proceedings A, Volume 147, Issue 2 April 2017, pp. 293-297 . pdf
- C. Cowan, Uniqueness of solutions for elliptic systems and
fourth order equations involving a parameter, CPAA, pg 519 - 533, Volume 15, Issue 2, March 2016
- C. Cowan, Regularity of stable solutions of a Lane-Emden type system, Methods Appl. Anal, Volume 22 (2015)
Number 3, pg 301 - 312. pdf
- C. Cowan and M. Fazly, Regularity of the extremal solutions associated to elliptic systems, J. Differential Equations 257(2014)4087-4107, pdf
- C. Cowan, Stability of entire solutions to supercritical elliptic problems involving advection, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications
Volume 104, July 2014, Pages 1-11. pdf
- C. Cowan, A Liouville theorem for a fourth order Henon equation, Advanced Nonlinear Studies 14 (2014), 737-746, pdf
- C. Cowan, Supercritical elliptic problems on a perturbation of the ball,
J. Differential Equations 256 (2014), no. 3, 1250-1263. pdf
- C. Cowan and N. Ghoussoub, Regularity of semi-stable solutions to fourth order nonlinear eigenvalue problems on general domains,
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 49 (2014), no. 1-2, 291-305. pdf
- C. Cowan, Liouville theorems for stable Lane-Emden systems and biharmonic problems, Nonlinearity 26 (2013) 2357-2371.
- C. Cowan and M. Fazly, Uniqueness of solutions for a nonlocal elliptic eigenvalue problem,
Math. Res. Lett. 19 (2012), no. 03, 613-626. pdf
- C. Cowan and M. Fazly, On stable entire solutions of semi-linear elliptic equations with weights,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 140 (2012), 2003-2012. pdf
- C. Cowan, Regularity of the extremal solutions in a Gelfand systems problem, Adv.
Nonlinear Stud. Vol. 11, No. 3, (2011), 695-700. pdf
- C. Cowan, P. Esposito, N. Ghoussoub and A. Moradifam, The critical dimension
for a fourth order elliptic problem with singular nonlinearity, Arch. Ration. Mech.
Anal. 198 (2010), no. 3, 763-787. pdf
- C. Cowan and N. Ghoussoub, Estimates on pull-in distances in microelectrome-
chanical systems models and other nonlinear eigenvalue problems SIAM J. Math.
Anal. 42 (2010), no. 5, 1949-1966.
- C. Cowan, P. Esposito and N. Ghoussoub, Regularity of extremal solutions in
fourth order nonlinear eigenvalue problems on general domains, Discrete Contin.
Dyn. Syst. 28 (2010), no. 3, 1033-1050.
- C. Cowan, Optimal Hardy inequalities for general elliptic operators with improve-
ments Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. 9 (2010), no. 1, 109-140. pdf
- C. Cowan and N. Ghoussoub, Regularity of the extremal solution in a MEMS model
with advection, Methods Appl. Anal. 15 (2008), no. 3, 355-360. pdf
- C. Cowan, An elementary remark on the intersection of sets, Real Anal. Exchange 32 (2006/07). (Work done as an undergraduate)